Soru Jewellery

Gold Jewellery


Rent from
RRP £210
2+ days
From £16


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From £39
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From £100
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Soru Pearl mini Santina earrings

The most beautiful Swarovski pearl encrusted hoops feature a dangling cross-shaped charm, made with sandblast gold and intricate filigree. These lightweight earrings are perfect for any occasion.

Very versatile and makes any outfit look glan

Behind the name: Santina, the feminine for Santino meaning 'Tiny Saint'; named for our father

A note on pearl: June's birthstone, said to symbolise a pure heart and mind, innocent and faith. With links to the moon and water, they help to balance emotions.


Soru Jewellery



Retail Price


Minimal Rental Period

2 days

All in-app rentals are monitored and are guaranteed on a case-by-case basis.